Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hi Everyone,

we've finally reached the last class.
Hope you enjoyed the module and that you learned something useful along the way!

Firstly, anyone who hasn't handed up their work, please do so immediately.

Having corrected much of the continuous assessment, I've found some weak points that I would like to revisit today

  • Attention to detail. Make sure you do what your asked!
  • Mail Merge. I would like everyone to create a new mail merge master document. Use the address list on the P drive. Then merge the data with the master.
  • End Note. I would like everyone to create another new document. Start End Note. Import some citations. Then use them within Word.
Feel free to help each other. I gave 2 links in September to pages which will help you do this. Revisit the notes on EndNote too.

Enjoy your Christmas. Best of luck in the rest of your exams.


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