Thursday, November 6, 2008

Week 8 - Class 3

Today's class is an exercise to practice what has been learned over the past 3 weeks. Please make sure to save all files used in the exercise as they make up part of your continuous assessment. I would suggest saving everything in a new folder.

The excercise should be completed and handed up in class on Wed November 19th

Part 1
Write a paper using the appropriate title below:
Group X) "The importance of warming up and stretching".
Group Y) "Getting fit - how and why it's important to start slowly"

Research the topic first, building up an EndNote library of references. (The name of the library should be your student number)

Write your paper using the Harvard Method.
Save this file as _PaperPart1

Part 2
Have another classmate comment on you paper by exchange papers with a member of the other group via Email. Ensure that the comments are electronic and that the person commenting uses their own name as initials. When you get back this file save it as _PaperPart2

Part 3
Have another classmate edit your paper (with track changes turned on and their full name as initials). Do this by exchanging papers with a member of the other group via Email. Ensure that the changes are TRACKED electronically and that the person commenting uses their own name as initials. When you get back this file save it as _PaperPart3

Part 4
Make a copy of the file from part3. Name it _PaperPart4
Compare the file from Part1 with this new file and accept / reject changes as appropriate


You should end up with 4 Word files and 1 EndNote Library file. The research that you do for this essay will be the basis of a later class presentation.


thebigblaa said...

At this stage everybody should have a USB keyring for saving their work to - The G: drive has been failing too often to rely on it anymore.

thebigblaa said...

If you are not sure how to write a paper, just write an essay but break it up into sections with appropriate headings -
and any other headings as appropriate

thebigblaa said...

I am happy to leave this open ended. If you really need a number, lets say 2 or three pages for the main text but I'm not going to be strict

thebigblaa said...

It's a good idea to use the online databases in the library for your research
e.g. goto WIT library webpage.
click "Going online"
click "Databases"
select "SPORTDiscus With Full Text"

and search this.
you should be able to export references and then import them into EndNote

thebigblaa said...

Importing references from EBSCOhost:

Use Internet Explorer to load up the WIT library online database search
Scroll down and use SPORTDiscus With Full Text.

When you find a paper of interest click the “Export to Bibliographic Manager” button.

You MUST select the second option “Generic bibliographic management software” and then click SAVE.

Finally in EndNote X2,
select File | Import

Make sure to select the Import Option “ISI-CE”

Then browse to the file that you saved above and finally click IMPORT