Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Students Repeating

If you have been asked to repeat IT (you received a mark less than 40, please start again http://www.recmanit.blogspot.com/ and go through the website (blog) doing all work that you are asked.MAKE SURE TO DO WHAT YOU ARE ASKED!

Note the EXAM is on the P drive available within the college only. If you follow the instructions correctly you will have 11 files to submit named accordingly.

Please an envelope with USB keyring containing all work as requested into the School of Health Sciences Office marked for my attention i.e. ATTN: Colm Dunphy

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Results & Latecomers

Group Y have received their results in class

Group X (who had one class less this year) will receive their results via their student email later today(tonight).

If you have received a mark less than 40, Please start again and go through the website doing all work that you are asked, ready for handup after Christmas. MAKE SURE TO DO WHAT YOU ARE ASKED!

Note the EXAM is on the P drive available within the college only. If you follow it correctly you will have 11 files to submit named accordingly.

If you have not handed up your work, please leave it into the School of Health Sciences immediately in an envelope marked for my attention i.e. ATTN: Colm Dunphy

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hi Everyone,

we've finally reached the last class.
Hope you enjoyed the module and that you learned something useful along the way!

Firstly, anyone who hasn't handed up their work, please do so immediately.

Having corrected much of the continuous assessment, I've found some weak points that I would like to revisit today

  • Attention to detail. Make sure you do what your asked!
  • Mail Merge. I would like everyone to create a new mail merge master document. Use the address list on the P drive. Then merge the data with the master.
  • End Note. I would like everyone to create another new document. Start End Note. Import some citations. Then use them within Word.
Feel free to help each other. I gave 2 links in September to pages which will help you do this. Revisit the notes on EndNote too.

Enjoy your Christmas. Best of luck in the rest of your exams.


Thursday, November 27, 2008


Proof of work is required for external examiners. Therefore all students need to submit an archive of their work. You can do this by making a copy of all your work onto either a CD or memory keyring.

Please ensure that they are labelled clearly with your student name and number.

Ensure that you have a file called README.TXT in the root folder of the CD or keyring which has your student name & number

All CDs / keyrings will be taken up in class on or before Wednesday December 3rd 2008

Week 12 - Class 1

Review of continuous assessment work to date (continued)

Data Protect Act

get a copy of the summary guide from the P drive (only available with WIT).

"P:\Class Notes\Colm Dunphy\IT\Data Protection Act Summary Guide.pdf"

Week 11 - class 3

Review of continuous assessment work to date

All work should be stored on the G drive in the folder called IT-CA
You should have a folder for each piece of work

  • A1 - test
  • A2 - Research Essay
  • A3 - Powerpint presentations 1) about yourself 2) about Research Essay topic
  • A4 - Excel Spreadsheet

NOTE: A1 & A2 both had deadlines. Do not edit these files!

Please note ALL this work must be handed up in class, on CD or memory keyring , on or before Decemeber 3rd 2008