Friday, October 24, 2008

Week 8 - Class 2

Tracking Changes
- Note use the sample files to try out the track changes options
- change username
- turn it on
- markup

Comparing Documents
- use Review options

Combining Document

Monday, October 20, 2008

Week 8 - Class 1

REVIEW on the ribbon

- search reference books
- search research sites
- search financial & business sites

- F7

- Shift F7 (Synonym, antonym)



Week 7 - Class 2 - TEST

You first assignment will be given out on Wednesday 22 Oct 2008.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week 6 Class 2 - TEST Pre-Run

Steps 1-17 to be completed in 40 minutes
  1. Create a new document.
  2. Insert 100 paragraphs of text with 6 sentences in each paragraph
  3. Divide the document up into 6 chapters with a chapter heading for each
  4. Ensure that each chapter starts on a new page
  5. Insert 3 sub headings of your choice in each chapter
  6. In Chapters 1,2 and 6 include some sample tables
  7. In Chapters 3,4, and 5 include some sample images
  8. In Chapter 1 include a hyperlink to the website for this module (IT Fundamentals)
  9. Replace all occurrences of the word “select” in the document with the word “choose”
  10. Format the document so that paragraphs have line spacing of 1.5 lines.
  11. Paragraphs should be justified.
  12. The first paragraph of each chapter should have a drop capital
  13. At the start of chapter 2, insert a process chart to show a cycle with 3 steps in the cycle
  14. Put a “Confidential” watermark on each page
  15. Insert appropriate Headers & Footers including page number
  16. At the start of the document , insert a table of contents, followed by a table of figures, and a table of tables
  17. Save the document on the G drive. Email it to yourself using your student email account.
If not finished, complete ALL steps above at home.

All students should also complete the following steps
  1. Bookmark each chapter
  2. At the end of chapter 3 include the text “see page” followed by the cross referenced page number for the previous chapter. Do the same for chapters 4, 5 and 6.
  3. In Chapter 4, include a multilevel list with 4 items at the top level(surnames), and 2 sub levels items for each, the first being an address, the second a telephone number
  4. At the start of the document, include a (conservative) cover page. The Company text is “RECREATIONAL MANAGEMENT – IT FUNDAMENTALS”. The Title text is “Word Test Part 1”. The Sub Title is “creating a book”. Insert today’s date. The Abstract text should include the following text “I certify that this assignment is my own work and I have not copied the work of any other student or individual. SIGNED ___________________________ DATE ____________________”
  5. Save the document as ver 2 and email it to yourself

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Week 7 - Class 3

- USE EndNote!

Google Scholar
- ,more, even more
- search for "dj turntable music"

ACM Portal
- one of the research databases available from the library
- view the pdf
- click on "endnote" and save (the end note reference) to G drive

Word References Use EN cite as you write
(it take a while to load up)
Save your End Note Library to your G drive
File Import
- change the "import option" to "Endnote Import"
- browse to the end note reference file you save earlier
- click import

Inserting a Citation in Word
To use a citation in word, select the "EndNote X2" tab
Click Insert Citation | Insert Selected Citation

Note that the citation is inserted and a bibliography entry is added to the end of the document.

Manually entering a reference in EndNote
Click the EndNote X2 window
Select Reference New Reference
Choose the reference type e.g. Book
Then fill in all the fields that you can.


Week 7 - Class 1

Completing Digiweb Student Offer setup
- log in to student email via wit home page
- you should now have 3 emails from digitweb
- read the second one
- there is a hyperlink ending in CP, witha username and password underneath
- click it and enter the username and password

VIEW on the ribbon

HOME on Ribbon
- Creating New Styles
- Creating New Quick Styles

Week 6 - Class 3

OFFICE button
- New From Template
{repeat mail merge with a preformatted letter}
{edit a flyer}

- Save As PDF
- Save As Other Formats type = Web Page

- publish to digiweb website?

E-MAIL - Sending attachments
- log into student email from the wit home page (you need your original Novell password initially)
- Click "Compose Mail"
- Click "Attach File"
Browse to the file you want to attach, click open
Then fill out the rest of your mail message as normal and click SEND to send it

Week 6 - Class 1

Review and practice topics from last class.

PAGE LAYOUT on the Ribbon

- Arrange (after inserting a picture, position it, arrange text around / on top of it / Send to back)
- Paragraph (indenting & spacing)
- Page Background (watermark, colours, borders)
- Themes
- Page Setup (orientation, paper size A4, columns)

REFERENCES on the Ribbon
- Footnotes

- 3 main steps (1.master document, 2. client detail list, 3. merged). Also Preview

a) create the master document {start mail merge, Insert Mail Merge Fields}
b) Create the recipient list
c) Finish & Merge

MS Word 2007 - Ribbon Layout

Monday, October 13, 2008

Week 5 - class 3

INSERT menu (continued)

Symbol - (yen sign, Pie, copyright, trademark)
Equation - structures e.g. e script for x squared
Signature Lines
Date & Time
Drop Capitals

Cross Reference - see table 1, page 3, Figure 4, etc., Chapter 5, etc.
Bookmarks - for each chapter



Page Background
Page Color
Page Borders

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Week 5 - Class 2

Review of all options on the HOME tab

  • Picture
  • Clipart
  • Shapes
  • SmartArt
  • Chart
  • Hyperlinks
Exploration of each objects context sensitive options
e.g. for smart art - layouts, SmartArt Styles

Friday, October 3, 2008

Week 5 - Homework

All students must create a digiweb account using your student email address. As part of the signup process you get a .COM web address e.g.

All students must also create a GMAIL account.

check if you are already sign in by loogin at the top right hand corner of screen. If you are click "sign out".

Then sign up for a new account.

It can take up to a week to get this all sorted. Make sure you apply early otherwise you won't be able to complete the assignment in 2 weeks.

Word Assignment

Notice is given to all that there will be an inclass assignment within the next 2 weeks on MS word.
Please ensure that you can perform ALL the tasks that have demonstrated and practiced in class to date.

Week 4 - Class 3


paragraph style
line spacing
lists (bullet, numbered, multilevel)
header / footer / page numbers
find / replace / More Options

shift tab
fadas = AltGr + vowel